
Monday 18 June 2012

Photos & Videos: Hannah

Hmm... perhaps she might start riding a motorbike before her mum would!

We learnt this song at the Khmer Sunday school 2 weeks ago & Hannah loves the actions! "This is the day"  (Khmer lyrics have almost the exact meaning to the English version). 

Take 1...

Take 2...
Please pardon the noise in the background (should have turned off the fan when taking the video!)


Slide action at LOGOS school (Hannah is almost 20 months at this stage but has been climbing up those steps since 2 months ago):

Love this photo of Hannah & her Dutch "sister" at Ta Phrom in Siem Reap :)
Check out their almost identical shoes / sandals!

Playing together at LOGOS school - those shoes again! :)

Sunday 17 June 2012

Ant invasion: a lesson on hoarding?

Recently, our house was infested with ants. We haven't had much problems with ants in the past few months, but one day, David started noticing long trails of ants along our wall.

He followed the trail into Hannah's room, & to his horror, he found them all over the (unopened) boxes of cereal we had stored in her room!

Due to our earlier experience of the cereal suddenly disappearing off the shelves of the supermarket, we decided to stock up our new substitute in bulk. We ended up having to throw away 5 out of the 14 boxes as there were just too many ants in them. A real treat for the ants & a real shame for us! :( Not to mention the hassle it was to sift through all 14 boxes to check which had been affected.

Our "ant cupboard" (we have 2) in the kitchen, i.e. cupboards fixed with little green cups that contain  water (+ salt to prevent mosquitoes breeding) that acts as a moat to prevent ants climbing into the cupboard.

The 2 ant cupboards were full, hence this is our temporary makeshift moat for the cereal we managed to salvage... 

Perhaps a paraphrase of Jesus' words in Matt 6:19 to fit our situation...
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures of cereal, where ants destroy... (own words in italics)

Could this be a lesson on not to hoard "stuff", including what we see as "necessities", but to trust God to provide other substitutes should we need them?

Having said that.. since we've bought more "ant cups", we've started hoarding again...