
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Change... so soon?

This sounds ridiculously trivial – but I never thought I’d feel disorientated to find that Lucky supermarket (a supermarket chain in Cambodia) has suddenly stopped selling 3 of our most frequently used products – all within the same week!

When we first came to Cambodia, we expected that we’d either not be able to afford our usual brands or that it would just be unavailable. So it was with such an expectation that we went to the supermarket for the first time, 3 months ago, to figure out what substitutes we could get.

Breakfast cereal & fresh milk is expensive here. UHT milk is a cheaper alternative but we managed to find a brand of fresh milk that was not too costly. We’ve also gotten used to a raisin bran cereal which was half the price of the others. And the baby wipes were the cheapest we could find - & they were of good quality.

To suddenly “lose” all 3 of these things in one week was a bit of an unexpected blow – not disastrous, but enough to cause a small sense of loss at what was beginning to feel familiar.

I guess the missionary life is one of frequent change, but I wasn’t expecting change to happen that quickly. And I certainly wasn’t expecting that change in such a tiny aspect of life to cause such an emotion. Perhaps it’s because there are so many changes that we have to adjust to, & to have to adjust YET again in such a short time to something so trivial makes it even more wearisome. OR, perhaps we’re just not very flexible after all?

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